Who We Are
Our Vision
Saint John thrives socially and economically through an enhanced quality of life for everyone
Living SJ is Saint John's movement to end generational poverty by removing the education, health and employment barriers for families who live in low-income neighbourhoods.
We know that reducing poverty is not only the right thing to do – it’s what’s best for our economy, too.
We use a Collective Impact approach and work with a network of over 100 partners from three levels of government, the private sector, non-profits and neighbourhoods. See the full Living SJ network below.
Living SJ consists of a leadership team, four collective impact teams, a planning team and two backbone staff. Check out our governance structure.
Living SJ network

Our partners
Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative, Brice Belyea, Board member
Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative, Monica Chaperlin, Coordinator
Chapman Group, CEO, Tanya Champman
Delta Hotel, Paulette Hicks, General Manager (Past Chair of Living SJ)
Enterprise Saint John, Ron Gaudet, Chief Executive Officer
Enterprise Saint John, Michele Lodge (Education CIT Co-Chair, PRC)
Godbout Fawcett Law, Cathy Fawcett, Partner (PRC Co-Chair)
Medavie Blue Cross, Dawn-Marie Buck, Director, Extra Mural Program (Health CIT Co-Chair)
Merrifield Photography, Brittany Merrifield, Economic & Social Inclusion Corporation (ESIC) Board Member
Price Waterhouse Cooper, Gord Ashe, Partner, LSJ Treasurer
Port of Saint John, Craig Estabrooks (PRC)
RBC Dominion Securities, Tom Gribbons (PRC Co-Chair)
TimberTop Adventures, David Alston (Co-Chair of Living SJ)
Government – Municipal
City of Saint John, Mayor Don Darling
City of Saint John, John MacKenzie, Councilor
City of Saint John, Jacqueline Hamilton, Commissioner, Growth & Community Development
City of Saint John, Phil Ouellette, Executive Director, Office of the City Manager
City of Saint John, Steve Carson, CEO, Develop Saint John (PRC)
City of Saint John, Barry Freeze, Leisure Services
City of Saint John, Bruce Connell, Chief, Saint John Police Force
Town of Grand Bay-Westfield, Grace Losier, Mayor
Government – Provincial
Horizon Health Network, Heather Chase, Community Development, *Neighbourhood CIT Co-Chair
Horizon Health Network (Mental Health), Sue Haley, Director (Health CIT Co-Chair)
Horizon Health Network, Bridget Tutschka, Family Physician (PRC)
Horizon Health Network, Dan Doherty, Primary Care Access Coordinator
Horizon Health Network & Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick, Dr. Sarah Gander, Pediatrician
NB Economic & Social Inclusion Corporation, Stephane LeClair, Executive Director
NB Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, Paul Graham, Director
NB Department of Public Safety and Justice, Bruce Kingston, Regional Director
NB Department of Social Development, Eric Beaulieu, DM and President of ESIC
NB Department of Social Development, Lisa Doucette, ADM (PRC)
NB Department of Social Development, Brian Marks, Regional Director
NB Department of Social Development, Mark Doyle, Provincial Program Consultant
Provincial MLA Representative, Dorothy Shephard
Government – Federal
ACOA, Linda MacDonald, Manager, High-Growth Firms Secretariat (PRC)
Federal MP, Saint John-Rothesay, Wayne Long
Anglophone School District South, Zoe Watson Superintendent (Education CIT Co-Chair)
Saint John the Baptist/Kind Edward School, PSSC, Theresa Rogers
New Brunswick Community College, Catherine Sidney, Associate Regional Director/Department Head Allied Health (PRC)
University of New Brunswick Saint John, Robert MacKinnon, Vice-President
University of New Brunswick Saint John, Tracey Chiasson, VP office
Philanthropic, Non-Profit and Community Organizations and Neighbourhoods
Association Regionale de la Communauté francophone de Saint-Jean, Michel Côté, General Manager
Bee Me Kidz, Missy Beswick, Executive Director
Carleton Community Centre, Krista Creamer, Executive Director
Community, Donna Beaton, Employment CIT Chair*
Crescent Valley Resource Centre, Anne Driscoll, Executive Director
The Community Foundation, John Travis, Chair
The Community Foundation, Michelle Thibodeau Coates, Vice-Chair (PRC)
The Community Foundation, Kelly Evans, Executive Director
Elementary Literacy Inc., Dr. Erin Schryer, Executive Director
Human Development Council, Brian Stephenson, Chairperson
Human Development Council, Juanita Black, Neighbourhood Leader and Community Activist (PRC)
Human Development Council, Randy Hatfield, Executive Director
ONE Change, Tamara Kelly, Executive Director
P.U.L.S.E. (People United for Lower South End), Mary LeSage, Operations Manager
New Brunswick Children’s Foundation, Marilyn Lester, Board Chair
Saint John Boys & Girls Club, Amy Shanks, Executive Director
Saint John Learning Exchange, Christina Fowler, Executive Director
Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception, Sister Mary Beth McCurdy, Congregational Leader
United Way Serving Saint John, Kings, Charlotte Counties, Christine Hanlon, Chair
United Way Serving Saint John, Kings, Charlotte Counties, Alexya Heelis, Executive Director
Waterloo Village Association, Penni Eisenhauer, Community Organizer (Neighbourhood CIT Co-Chair, PRC)
Women’s Empowerment Network, Sharon Amirault, Executive Director
PRC = Member of the Project Review Committee for the Social Innovation Fund
CIT = Collective Impact Team